360 Joules Does the Job Better.
Physio-Control defibrillators have the ability to escalate up to 360 Joules. Why? The answer is science.

Decades of research proves that no single measure of current determines shock efficacy. The evidence shows that many factors influence effective defibrillation, including:

  1. The peak current delivered to the patient
  2. The length of time over which current is delivered
  3. How the current is maintained throughout the duration of the shock

Energy includes all three elements, and has been shown to best describe the therapeutic dose delivered to the heart.1-5

The level of current delivered by the shock, therefore, cannot single-handedly determine shock efficacy.

Regardless of how this complex process works, we believe the bottom line is whether a patient is effectively defibrillated. We know our approach is sound because our products have been studied in over twice as many cardiac arrest patients as all other manufacturers combined. The data show the only way to increase shock efficacy when lower-energy shocks fail is to increase energy. That’s why we provide the highest available energy—up to 360 joules—in every defibrillator we make.

Charts showing efficacy of biphasic waveforms and defibrillation probability.

The science shows that not all sudden cardiac arrest victims are resuscitated with the first shock and over half of all victims need multiple shocks. Research shows for those who need multiple shocks, 360 joules improves shock success.

Chart showing that escalating higher energy (200J - 300J - 360J) is effective at terminating ventrical fibrillation in 83% of cases, versus 71% of cases with repeated 150J shocks.

Physio-Control is the only manufacturer that offers AEDs with the ability to escalate energy to 360 Joules.

If you are told 360 joules is not needed in an AED, consider this:

  • Physio-Control products are developed based on science
  • Some patients are difficult to defibrillate and over half of all patients require multiple shocks
  • Studies show that for those who need multiple shocks, 360 joules improves shock success
  • There is clear clinical upside to using 360 joules but no downside
AED Manufacturer
default energy settings
120J 150J 200J 300J 360J
HeartStart On-Site AED and FRX AED
Lifeline AED and ReviveR AED
HeartStart On-Site AED and FRX AED
Samaritan PAD 300P
Cardiac Science®
Powerheart AED G3 plus
  • 1 Alatawi F, et al. Heart Rhythm 2005;2(4):382-87.
  • 2 Kim ML, et al. Am J Cardiol 2004;94(11):1438-40.
  • 3 Neal S, et al. Am J Cardiol 2003;92(7):810-14.
  • 4 Deakin CD, et al. Circulation 2011;124(21 Suppl):A244.
  • 5 Santomauro M, et al. Ital Heart J Suppl. 2004;5(1):36-43.
  • 6 Walker RG, et al. Resuscitation 2008;80(7):773-7.
  • 7 Stiell IG, et al. The BIPHASIC Trial: A randomized comparison of fixed lower versus escalating higher energy levels for defibrillation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Circulation 2007;115:1511-1517.